Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Week 7 Reading Response

Chapter 12 - Bad Designs happen to Good People

I cannot count how many times that I have come across forms that are so overly intense that they have turned me away. I mean, who needs to know all that personal information for a general account or newsletter request? Designers need to keep in mind that people want to do things quickly and so having really long-winded forms full of lengthy questions is going to turn people away. I also have run across quite a few with a lot of optional fields, and quite honestly if its optional, I'm not wasting my time filling it out and so why do they even have them? Forms need to get to the point, get the information they 'really' need and then function correctly.

People also do not want to be bombarded with a lot of flashy web design, but rather want a website that functions and lets them find exactly what they are looking for quickly.

Here are some websites that talk more about these topics:
Form Guidelines - An Eye-tracking Study
Smashing Magazine - Modern and Creative Forms
Simple Form Builder for Beginning HTML

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